ES5W18 采购清单 & 准备清单 ES5W18 Shopping & Preparation List
1. Chilled Bean Curd Sticks Salad 凉拌腐竹
材料 / Ingredients:
①干腐竹 / Dried bean curd sticks: 150克
②热油 / Hot oil: 3汤匙
调味料A / Seasoning A:
③小米辣 / Small chili peppers: 3个,切末 / minced
④蒜 / Garlic: 5瓣,切末 / minced
⑤孜然粒 / Cumin seeds: 1茶匙 / tsp
⑥十三香 / Chinese 13-spice powder: 1茶匙 / tsp
⑦鸡粉 / Chicken powder: 1茶匙 / tsp
⑧白糖 / Sugar: 1/2茶匙 / tsp
⑨盐 / Salt: 1/2茶匙 / tsp
⑩白芝麻 / White sesame seeds: 1茶匙 / tsp
⑾葱花 / Chopped green onion: 1汤匙 / tbsp
调味料B / Seasoning B:
①蚝油 / Oyster sauce: 1/2汤匙 / tbsp
②生抽 / Light soy sauce: 1汤匙 / tbsp
③老抽 / Dark soy sauce: 1茶匙 / tsp
④醋 / Vinegar: 1/2汤匙 / tbsp
⑤盐 / Salt: 尝一下咸淡后,酌情加入 / adjust to taste
2. Steamed Pork Ribs with Dried Chili 干椒蒸小排
材料 / Ingredients:
①排骨 / Pork ribs: 300克,切小段 / cut into small pieces
②黄干椒 / Yellow dried chili: 20克,切碎 / minced
③黑豆豉 / Fermented black beans: 20克
④老姜 / Old ginger: 15克,切丝 / julienned
⑤葱花 / Chopped green onion: 15克
调味料 / Seasoning:
①盐 / Salt: 1/4茶匙 / tsp
②鸡粉 / Chicken powder: 1茶匙 / tsp
③胡椒粉 / White pepper powder: 1/4茶匙 / tsp
④蚝油 / Oyster sauce: 1茶匙 / tsp
⑤料酒 / Cooking wine: 1茶匙 / tsp
⑥油 / Oil: 1汤匙 / tbsp
3. Tomato and Pork Slice Clay Pot 番茄滑肉煲
材料 / Ingredients:
①梅花肉 / Pork shoulder: 300克,切薄片 / thinly sliced
②大番茄 / Fresh tomatoes: 3个,去皮切丁 / peeled and diced
③番茄丁罐头 / Canned diced tomatoes: 半罐 / half can
④豆芽 / Bean sprouts: 100克
⑤葱花 / Chopped green onion: 适量 / to garnish
调味料 / Seasoning:
①盐 / Salt: 适量 / to taste
②糖 / Sugar: 适量(根据番茄甜度和酸度调整 / adjust according to tomato sweetness and acidity)
红薯粉浆 / Sweet potato starch slurry:
③红薯淀粉 / Sweet potato starch: 100克
④清水 / Water: 没过淀粉的量,浸泡30分钟以上 / enough to cover, soak for at least 30 minutes
腌料 / Marinade:
⑤生抽 / Light soy sauce: 1汤匙 / tbsp
⑥蚝油 / Oyster sauce: 1茶匙 / tsp
⑦白胡椒粉 / White pepper powder: 1/4茶匙 / tsp
⑧芝麻油 / Sesame oil: 几滴 / a few drops
4. Stir-Fried Choy Sum with Minced Pork 家常肉沫菜心
材料 / Ingredients:
①菜心 / Choy sum: 1包(约250克 / ~250g)
②猪肉碎 / Minced pork: 100克
③小米辣 / Small chili peppers: 2个,切圈 / sliced (adjust to taste)
④蒜 / Garlic: 2瓣,切末 / minced
调味料 / Seasoning:
⑤盐 / Salt: 1/4茶匙 / tsp
⑥鸡粉 / Chicken powder: 1茶匙 / tsp
⑦蚝油 / Oyster sauce: 1茶匙 / tsp
5. Scallop, Radish, and Bamboo Pith Soup 干贝萝卜竹笙汤
材料 / Ingredients:
①矿泉水 / Mineral water: 500毫升 / 500ml
②白萝卜 / White radish: 500克,切方块 / diced
③干贝 / Dried scallops: 50克,提前用清水泡软 / soaked in water until soft
④猪肉碎 / Minced pork: 100克
⑤竹笙 / Bamboo pith: 100克(用清水洗净,泡软,去除硬蒂 / cleaned, soaked, and trimmed)
调味料 / Seasoning:
⑥盐 / Salt: 1/2茶匙 / tsp
⑦胡椒粉 / White pepper powder: 1/4茶匙 / tsp
6. Salted Rice with Pork Belly and Preserved Vegetables 五花肉梅干菜咸饭
材料A / Ingredients A:
①五花肉 / Pork belly: 100克,切片 / sliced
②大米 / Rice: 3杯 / 3 cups
材料B / Ingredients B:
③蒜末 / Minced garlic: 15克
④紫洋葱丁 / Diced red onion: 30克
⑤干虾米 / Dried shrimp: 20克,提前用清水泡软 / soaked
⑥胡萝卜 / Carrot: 100克,切块 / diced
⑦梅干菜 / Preserved mustard greens: 50克,提前用清水泡软,切末 / soaked and chopped
调味料 / Seasoning:
⑧生抽 / Light soy sauce: 1汤匙 / tbsp
⑨蚝油 / Oyster sauce: 1汤匙 / tbsp
⑩盐 / Salt: 1/4茶匙 / tsp
⑾鸡粉 / Chicken powder: 1/2茶匙 / tsp