Chinese Cuisine ES5W17 Shopping & Preparation List
1.酱汁白切肉 / Sliced Pork with Sauce
材料 / Ingredients:
①梅花肉或者腰肉软肉(又叫二层肉) / Pork shoulder or tender pork belly (also called layered pork) 500g
②小葱 / Spring onion 1 stalk
③姜片 / Ginger slices 3 slices
蒜泥白醋汁 / Garlic Vinegar Sauce:
①蒜末 / Minced garlic 1 tbsp
②小米椒 切圈 / Small chili peppers (sliced) as needed
③香菜头 / Cilantro stems 1 tbsp
④蚝油 / Oyster sauce 1 tsp
⑤生抽 / Light Soy sauce 2 tsp
⑥白糖 / Sugar 1 tsp
⑦米醋 / Rice vinegar 2 tbsp
⑧冷开水 / Cooled boiled water 2 tbsp
2.青椒砂锅鲈鱼 / Sea Bass in Clay Pot with Green Peppers
材料 / Ingredients:
①鲈鱼 / Sea bass 1 fish
②青辣椒 / Green chili peppers 100g
③姜 / Ginger 20g
④白醋 / White vinegar 1 tbsp (for frying fish)
⑤盐 / Salt 1/2 tsp (for chili peppers)
调味料 / Seasoning:
①鸡粉 / Chicken powder 1 tsp
②盐 / Salt 1/2 tsp
③糖 / Sugar 1/2 tsp
④胡椒粉 / Pepper powder 1/2 tsp
3. Fresh Pork Steamed with Fermented Bean Sauce 豆酱蒸鲜肉
材料 / Ingredients:
①五花肉或猪肩肉: 300克 (切薄片 / 300g pork belly or pork shoulder, thinly sliced)
②豆芽: 100克 (或其他你喜欢的蔬菜 / 100g bean sprouts, or other vegetables of your choice)
③葱绿: 1汤匙 (切碎,最后撒上装饰 / 1 tbsp green onions, chopped, for garnish)
酱汁 / Sauce:
①豆酱: 2汤匙 / 2 tbsp fermented bean paste
②蒜: 3瓣 (切末 / 3 garlic cloves, minced)
③姜: 2片 (切末 / 2 slices ginger, minced)
④葱白: 1汤匙 / 1 tbsp white parts of green onions
⑤小米辣: 1个 (切碎,可选 / 1 small chili, finely chopped, optional)
⑥热油: 2汤匙 (烧热淋到以上混合好的材料里 / 2 tbsp hot oil, poured over the above mixture)
腌料 / Marinade:
①生抽: 1汤匙 / 1 tbsp light soy sauce
②蚝油: 1茶匙 / 1 tsp oyster sauce
③糖: 1/2茶匙 / 1/2 tsp sugar
④胡椒粉: 1/4茶匙 / 1/4 tsp white pepper
⑤香油: 几滴 / A few drops of sesame oil
⑥淀粉: 1茶匙 / 1 tsp cornstarch
⑦花生油: 1汤匙 (把其他腌料拌匀后再下 / 1 tbsp peanut oil, added after mixing the other marinade ingredients)
4.酱油炒藕丝 / Stir-Fried Lotus Root with Soy Sauce
材料 / Ingredients:
①莲藕 / Lotus root (sliced into strips) 300g
②红辣椒 / Red chili peppers (minced) 30g
③韭菜 / Chives (cut into sections) 30g
调味料 / Seasoning:
①盐 / Salt 1 tsp
②鸡粉 / Chicken powder 1 tsp
③生抽 / Light soy sauce 1 tsp
④老抽 / Dark soy sauce 1 tsp
5.虾仁鸡蛋白菜汤 / Shrimp, Egg, and Cabbage Soup
材料 / Ingredients:
①鸡蛋 / Eggs 3
②豆腐 / Tofu 1 box
③大白菜叶 / Chinese cabbage leaves 100g
④鲜虾 / Fresh shrimp 8
调味料 / Seasoning:
①盐 / Salt 1 tsp
②胡椒粉 / White pepper powder 1/2 tsp
6.红葱头鸡腿焖饭 / Fragrant Rice with Chicken Thigh and Shallots
材料 / Ingredients:
①大米 / Rice 3 cups
②鸡腿肉去骨去皮 / Boneless, skinless chicken thigh 250g (diced)
③迷你干香菇 / Mini dried shiitake mushrooms 14 pcs (soaked and diced)
(PS: Wash the dried mushrooms, then soak them. Keep the soaking water for cooking the rice.)
调味料 / Seasoning:
①生抽 / Light soy sauce 1 tbsp
②老抽 / Dark soy sauce 1/2 tbsp
③蚝油 / Oyster sauce 1/2 tbsp
④红葱头酱 / Shallot sauce 1 tbsp
⑤盐 / Salt 1/2 tsp
⑥鸡粉 / Chicken powder 1/2 tsp