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中华料理ES5W19采购清单&准备清单Chinese cuisine ES5W19 Shopping & Preparation List


Chinese cuisine ES5W19 Shopping & Preparation List

1. Cucumber with Preserved Vegetables 梅干菜黄瓜

材料 (Ingredients):

日本黄瓜 (Japanese Cucumber):3根 (切成长条,一切为4)

猪肉碎 (Minced Pork):50克

梅干菜末 (Chopped Preserved Vegetables):50克

红辣椒末 (Chopped Red Chili):30克

调味料 (Seasonings):

盐 (Salt):1/4茶匙 (tsp)

白糖 (Sugar):1/2茶匙 (tsp)

生抽 (Light Soy Sauce):1茶匙 (tsp)

老抽 (Dark Soy Sauce):1茶匙 (tsp)

2. Dry Tossed Vermicelli 干捞粉丝

材料 (Ingredients):

龙口粉丝 (Longkou Vermicelli):3小把 (冷水泡软,剪短 / Soaked in cold water and cut shorter)

牛肉末 (Minced Beef):100克

红辣椒末 (Chopped Red Chili):50克 (可根据辣度偏好调整 / Adjust for spice preference)

香菜末 (Chopped Coriander):30克

蒜末 (Minced Garlic):30克

调味料 (Seasonings):

老抽 (Dark Soy Sauce):1茶匙 (tsp)

香辣豆瓣酱 (Spicy Broad Bean Paste):1/2汤匙 (tbsp)

(如不吃辣,可用黄豆酱代替 / Replace with Yellow Bean Paste if not spicy)

牛肉酱 (Beef Sauce):1/2汤匙 (tbsp) (可选 / Optional)

牛肉高汤 (Beef Broth):300毫升 (ml)

盐 (Salt):1/2茶匙 (tsp)

鸡粉 (Chicken Powder):1茶匙 (tsp)

生抽 (Light Soy Sauce):1/2汤匙 (tbsp)

3. Braised Pork Knuckle with Preserved Vegetables 梅菜扣香肘

材料A (Ingredients A):

猪肘 (Pork Knuckle):1个 (切开去骨 / Deboned and sliced open)

梅干菜 (Preserved Vegetables):150克 (洗净泡软,挤干水分,切末 / Washed, soaked, and chopped)

材料B (Ingredients B):

淀粉水 (Cornstarch Water):1汤匙淀粉 + 3汤匙水 (1 tbsp cornstarch + 3 tbsp water, mixed)

香油 (Sesame Oil):1茶匙 (tsp)

剁辣椒 (Chopped Chili):15克 (可选 / Optional)

去腥材料 (Deodorizing Ingredients):

八角 (Star Anise):2个

桂皮 (Cinnamon Stick):1段

姜片 (Sliced Ginger):2片

葱 (Spring Onion):2棵

料酒 (Cooking Wine):2汤匙 (tbsp)

糖色 (Caramelized Sugar Sauce):黄冰糖 30克 (30g Rock Sugar)

梅干菜调味料 (Seasonings for Preserved Vegetables):

猪油 (Lard):2汤匙 (tbsp)

辣椒粉 (Chili Powder):1汤匙 (tbsp)

蚝油 (Oyster Sauce):1汤匙 (tbsp)

鸡粉 (Chicken Powder):1茶匙 (tsp)

猪肘调味料 (Seasonings for Pork Knuckle):

盐 (Salt):1茶匙 (tsp)

鸡粉 (Chicken Powder):1茶匙 (tsp)

胡椒粉 (White Pepper Powder):1/2茶匙 (tsp)

生抽 (Light Soy Sauce):2汤匙 (tbsp)

老抽 (Dark Soy Sauce):2茶匙 (tsp)

4. Stir-Fried Winter Melon 小炒冬瓜

材料 (Ingredients):

冬瓜 (Winter Melon):500克 (去皮去瓤,切成1-2厘米的丁 / Peeled, deseeded, and diced into 1-2cm cubes)

青长椒 (Green Long Chili):100克 (切末 / Chopped)

黑豆豉 (Fermented Black Beans):10克

调味料 (Seasonings):

盐 (Salt):1/2茶匙 (tsp) (分两次加入 / Added in two portions)

老抽 (Dark Soy Sauce):1茶匙 (tsp)

5. Poached Baby Cabbage in Superior Broth 上汤娃娃菜

材料 (Ingredients):

娃娃菜 (Baby Cabbage):1包 (约3颗,切长条 / About 3 heads, cut into strips)

皮蛋 (Century Egg):1个 (切丁 / Diced)

熟咸鸭蛋 (Salted Egg):1个 (切丁 / Diced)

蒜瓣 (Garlic Cloves):3个 (切末 / Minced)

猪肉碎 (Minced Pork):50克

姜末 (Minced Ginger):10克

鲜香菇 (Fresh Shiitake Mushrooms):50克 (切丁,可选 / Diced, optional)

调味料 (Seasonings):

盐 (Salt):适量 (Adjust to taste)

胡椒粉 (White Pepper Powder):1/4茶匙 (tsp)

蚝油 (Oyster Sauce):1茶匙 (tsp)

鸡粉 (Chicken Powder):1/2茶匙 (tsp, optional)

高汤或清水 (Stock or Water):500毫升 (ml)

6. Fragrant Soy Sauce Fried Rice Hunan Style 湘香酱油炒饭

材料 (Ingredients):

鸡蛋 (Eggs):3个

冷米饭 (Cold Rice):3碗 (建议用隔夜饭,避免粘连 / Best with overnight rice to prevent clumping)

葱花 (Chopped Spring Onion):30克

调味料 (Seasonings):

酱油 (Soy Sauce):2汤匙 (tbsp, adjust to taste)

胡椒粉 (White Pepper Powder):1/2茶匙 (tsp)

食用油 (Cooking Oil):2汤匙 (tbsp)

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