Chinese Pastry Course
Sauce List
1. 水煎包 Pan-Fried Pork Buns
●肉馅制作 Stuffing
①.五花肉碎 (或带肥猪后腿肉碎)
Minced pork belly or minced twee bah with fatty meat: 200g
②.盐 Salt: 1/2 tsp
③.生抽Light soy sauce: 1 tsp
④.五香粉(十三香)Five-spice powder (Thirteen-spice powder): 1/2 tsp
⑤.鸡粉Chicken powder: 1 tsp
⑥.葱末姜泥水Chopped spring onion and Meshed Ginger Water: 80ml
⑦.糖Sugar: 1tsp
⑧.花生油(或食用油)Peanut oil (or cooking oil): 1tbsp
⑨.芝麻油Sesame oil: 1 tsp
●面团Dough B
②.温水Warm water
①.黑芝麻 Black Sesame Seeds
②.小葱末 Spring Onion chopped
2. 发面葱香油饼 Scallion Oil Pancakes (Leavened Dough Version)
请参考发面团B类 Refer to Leavened Dough B
面粉Flour: 400g
温水Warm water:250ml
酵母Yeast: 5g
●油酥部分 Oil Paste
①花生油 Peanut oil: 6 tbsp
②大葱末Finely chopped scallions(big spring onion): half of stalk
③五香粉: ( 或十三香) Five-spice powder (or thirteen-spice powder): 1 tsp
④盐Salt: 1 tsp
⑤猪油 可选(若用猪油,花生油可减少) lard (optional)(if Use lard, can reduce the peanut oil) 1tbsp
3. 云南小锅米线 Small Pot Rice Noodles
●干米线Dry rice noodles
①黑木耳Dried Black Fungus--- 2pcs
②番茄 Tomato --- 1/2pcs
③豆芽 Bean sprouts --- 30g
④韭菜 Chives --- 2pcs
⑤猪肉碎 Minced pork --- 50g
腌肉材料Marinade for Pork:
姜末Minced ginger --- 5g
生抽 Soy sauce --- 1 tsp
淀粉水(1/4茶匙淀粉+1茶匙水)Cornstarch Water --- 1tsp
(1 teaspoon cornstarch mixed with 1 teaspoon water)
配料Additional Ingredients:
①昭通酱 Zhaotong sauce --- 1 tbsp( If cannot find this in supermarket, can use soybean paste instead.)
Soybean Paste as below( Can use any other brand too)
②酸菜Pickled cabbage (suan cai) --- 50g
③鸡高汤 chicken broth --- 300ml
④猪油 lard---1 tbsp
4. 成都担担面 Sichuan Dandan Noodles
①幼面 Fresh Thin noodles --- 100g
②肉碎 Minced meat --- 60g
③芽菜 Pickled cabbage --- 1 tbsp ( if cannot find this in Singapore,can use dry pickled Chinese mustard instead too.)
④小白菜Baby Bok Choy --- 2stalks
⑤葱花 Chopped spring onions --- 10g
⑥花生碎 Crushed peanuts --- 10g
腌肉调料Marinade for Meat:
①料酒 Cooking wine --- 1/2 tsp
②老抽 Dark soy sauce --- 1/2 tsp
③生抽 Light soy sauce --- 1 tsp
④淀粉 Cornstarch --- 1/2 tsp
调料ASeasoning A:
①蒜末 Minced garlic --- 2 cloves
②姜末 Minced ginger --- 1 pc
③八角 Star Anise --- 2 pics
④糖 Sugar --- 1/4 tsp
调料BSeasoning B:
①生抽 Light soy sauce --- 1 tsp
②醋 Vinegar --- 1 tsp
③芝麻酱 Sesame paste --- 2 tsp
④鸡精 Chicken powder --- 1/2 tsp
⑤红油辣椒 Chili oil --- 1 tsp
5. 陕西蘸水面
Shaanxi Dipping Noodles
●材料Ingredients: :
①自制裤带面或用刀削面代替 homemade belt noodles or knife-cut noodles --- 100g
②小白菜Baby Bok Choy --- 1 pc
●番茄汁材料Tomato Sauce Ingredients:
①大番茄 large tomato --- 1pc
②鸡蛋 egg --- 1pc
③葱花 chopped spring onions --- 1tbsp
●番茄汁调料 Tomato Sauce Seasoning:
①盐 salt --- 1/2 tsp
②生抽 light soy sauce --- 1 tbsp
③老抽dark soy sauce --- 1/2 tsp
④糖 sugar --- 1/4 tsp
⑤鸡精 chicken powder --- 1/2 tsp
⑥白胡椒粉 white pepper powder --- 1/2tsp
●蒜香汁(可选)Garlic Sauce (optional):
①蒜泥 garlic, smashed --- 2 cloves
②干蘸辣椒粉 dried chili flakes --- 2 tbsp
③13香 Chinese thirteen-spice powder --- 1/4 tsp
④糖 sugar --- 1/2 tsp
⑤醋 vinegar --- 2 tsp
⑥生抽 light soy sauce --- 2 tsp
⑦面汤 noodle soup --- 3 tbsp
⑧葱末spring onion, finely chopped --- 1 pc
⑨油 oil --- 5 tbsp